John Paul Janke is from Wuthathi Country on Eastern Cape York Peninsula and from Mer (Murray) Island in the Torres Strait.
He is the co-owner of Rork Projects, a national Indigenous construction company servicing the corporate and government sectors.
He is also the co-host of SBS/NITV’s flagship Indigenous news and current affairs show ‘The Point’, host of NITV’s annual ‘Sunrise Ceremony’ on Jan 26 and is a guest host of SBS’ INSIGHT program.
He has previously worked as a journalist and media specialist in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs for nearly three decades with Executive positions at the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC), the NSW Aboriginal Land Council and the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) in Canberra.
John Paul is the Co-Chair of the National NAIDOC Committee, Deputy Chair of the National Museum of Australia’s Indigenous Reference Group. He has previously sat on the Diversity Council of Australia’s Expert Advisory Panel and was the Deputy Chair of the Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre.
These roles enable him to be a passionate advocate for the need for a greater awareness and celebration of the rich histories and the diverse cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.